Report: Library Association’s President Wants To Stock Kids’ Shelves With LGBT Propaganda And Porn

(The Federalist) Whenever conservatives oppose obscene material on children’s library shelves, leftists dispute the characterizations and claim the right just wants to ban books. A shocking new report about the aims of the American Library Association’s president, however, vindicates parents’ fears.

The American Accountability Foundation, a conservative nonprofit, published a video and memo this month compiling radical quotes from Emily Drabinski, the president of the powerful American Library Association (ALA), a nonprofit that receives some of its money from member libraries, many of which are taxpayer-funded. The ALA, the oldest and biggest library association boasting nearly 50,000 members, coordinates programs at local libraries across America.

The report documents Drabinski, a self-described lesbian Marxist, attacking conservatives and parents as “far right, white supremacist, fascist,” an “angry white mob,” and the “Christo-fascist right.”  (Read More)

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