Media Squawk About Mike Johnson’s ‘Sexual Anarchy’ Predictions As They All Come True

(The Federalist) In the 48-or-so hours since Rep. Mike Johnson inherited the speaker’s gavel, the media have devolved into hysterics over his Christian faith and consistent opposition to homosexuality on the basis of that faith.

While it’s common for politicians to reference the Bible, everyone knows opposing same-sex unions hasn’t been in vogue since before Barack Obama became president. That’s why, in order to claw his way into the good graces of Democrats and then into the Oval Office, Joe Biden had to throw all his former beliefs on sexuality right out the window. Don’t forget, this is a former senator who supported legislation defining marriage as between one man and one woman. The one who called homosexuals “security risks.”

We don’t have to wonder why he changed his tune; he told us years ago: “Things are changing so rapidly, it’s going to become a political liability in the near term for someone to say, ‘I oppose gay marriage,’” he said while he was vice president.  (Read More)

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