Target Pushes ahead with Woke Holiday Merch Despite Financial Losses

(Washington Stand) Target’s second quarter earnings report proved the company still hasn’t rebounded from its Pride fallout this summer, showing a 5.4% decrease in sales — the first drop in roughly six years. The company’s third quarter report was no better, revealing an additional 4.9% drop. Thanks to Target’s partnership with a satanist designer and its highly controversial Pride line — which pushed transgender extremism on an audience largely of children — the backlash continues to hurt the stores’ bottom line.

Brian Cornell, Target’s CEO, reflected on the reports and admitted sales “have clearly been tougher than we expected this year, and we are firmly focused on getting back to growth.” While Cornell confessed the company has struggled, one would expect the mega-retailer to learn from its mistakes, readjust to what their clientele wants, and get back to selling products, not politics.

Well, Target clearly hasn’t learned their lesson. Rather than pivoting after the backlash, the boycotts, and plummeting sales, they have decided to continue swimming upstream.  (Read More)

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