Cosmopolitan Is Promoting a Satanic Abortion Ritual, and It’s as Evil as You’d Expect

(Washington Stand) Tucked between the fashion news and terrible life advice found in Cosmopolitan magazine, the November/December 2023 issue also features a lengthy article promoting abortion as a Satanic ritual. The piece centers around The Satanic Temple (TST), an elaborate stunt of an organization which describes itself as a non-theistic religious movement and is involved in litigation aimed at removing Christian symbols from the public square and opposing state-level pro-life laws. The group’s virtual abortion center received glowing treatment from one of America’s best-known magazines.

Samuel Alito’s Mom’s Satanic Abortion Clinic (yes, it’s really called that) ships dangerous abortion pills by mail after only a Zoom call with expecting mothers in New Mexico. The article states that the TST-run enterprise “prescribes abortion pills (at $91 per set, a competitive price) up until the eleventh week of pregnancy and offers 24/7 phone access to licensed medical personnel to anyone in need. It’s just that they’re also Satanists…”  (Read More)

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