This is where the transgender movement is going

(World) We did see this coming. With relentless energy, the revolutionaries have bulldozed through the culture, breaking down one moral barrier after another—and all in the name of sexual and moral liberation. First the revolution came for heterosexual relations. Premarital sex was normalized, and then extramarital sex followed. Adultery became an “affair,” and an entire system of sexual morality cracked. Then it broke.

Within a matter of mere decades, marriage was redefined and humanity’s most basic institution was “expanded” to include same-sex couples. Simultaneously, there were demands that homosexuals be given full recognition and liberation as well. That revolution took a bit longer to gain traction, but then it gained momentum and expanded its aims. The modern LGBTQ movement represents two great achievements of the liberationists. First, they took advantage of identity politics in order to push their aims in the public square and demand political action. Second, they took advantage of the ideological shift toward unbridled personal autonomy in order to argue for gender identity over virtually everything else—including biology.  (Read More)

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