Are You Prepared to Hold Fast to Your Decision to Follow Christ?

(Washington Stand) At the 2024 March for the Martyrs, held in Washington, D.C. in honor of persecuted Christians, a unique perspective was raised. If not unique, then certainly something seemingly underdiscussed. While considering global Christian persecution, event speaker Christian Trimino asked the question: What about the American church? Are we prepared, should persecution come our way?

About making tough decisions, Trimino raised a prominent point. Overseas, where being a Christian can be a death sentence, believers face one of the most complex decisions almost daily: To be spared from torture by renouncing the faith, or to choose to follow Christ no matter the cost. But before looking deeper at this concept in America and what Trimino had to say, let’s look at some facts and statistics.

The number of persecuted Christians is increasing rapidly. In four short years, the persecuted went from roughly 265 million in 2020 to 365 million in 2024.  (Read More)

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