‘Climate Change’ Is An Unscientific Fear-Based Religion… And It’s All About Control

(Harbinger’s Daily) The issue of “Climate Change” is one that many Christians do not know how to grapple with. Is planet Earth genuinely on a collision course with catastrophic man-made climate change, or is this another issue that requires critical and Biblical examination?

In an interview with David Fiorazo on “Worldview Matters,” Answers In Genesis Founder and CEO Ken Ham revealed that climate change science is rooted in more bias and corruption than many realize.

“Back in the 70s, I started dealing with the creation-evolution issue in a big way. It’s really a battle to understand the difference between observational science, what you actually observe, and historical science, your beliefs and interpretations about the past when you weren’t there,” Ham stated. “Observational science is one thing. That’s the science that builds our technology. But when it comes to historical science—beliefs about the past—I want people to understand, dealing with climate change is exactly the same.”  (Read More)

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