(Hot Air) Sometimes people can take the entire idea of complying with ridiculous government mandates several bridges too far. That appears to have been the case during a recent sporting event held in New Hampshire. A girls’ soccer game was scheduled between Plymouth Regional High School and their rival Bow High School. Bow High School was fielding a boy who “identifies” as a girl to compete, but when the Plymouth Regional parents heard about this, they asked the Bow High athletic director to withdraw the boy from the roster. He refused, saying that “his hands were tied” by a federal ruling allowing anyone who “identifies as female” to compete. Having run out of other options, the parents decided to wear red wristbands to the match that were marked with two letter “X” symbols, signifying the women’s chromosomes shared by all females as a silent protest. That wasn’t good enough for the Bow High School team who insisted that the wristbands be removed. The parents refused. That’s when they called the police and had the offending parents removed from the venue. (Read More)