(PJ Media) If you click on the HillFaith website — and I encourage you to do so early and often, as they used to say about voting in Chicago — you will find a new regular feature, Faith of the Founders (FOTF), which I devoutly hope the thousands of regular visitors to the site, including especially those who are congressional aides working on Capitol Hill, will read.
The plain purpose of FOTF is to share facts about the importance of Christian faith to the Founders generation in a way that is complimentary to HillFaith’s first purpose, that of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the over 12,000 congressional aides who constitute one of the most influential, but least visible groups in the nation’s capital, in shaping the laws all of us must live under today.
As we saw previously in Part 1 and Part 2 of this three-part series, the Christian faith was a defining factor, though not the only one, in shaping how most of the Founders understood the importance of individual liberty, republican government, and the future of the American nation. (Read More)