2025 March for Life: ‘Every Single Person … Was Filled with Joy and Hope’

(Washington Stand) Despite frigid weather, gloomy skies, and snow actively falling from the sky, thousands still gathered together for last year’s 51st annual March for Life. This year, however, the 52nd annual March was greeted with sunshine, optimism, and Americans excited not just to fight for life, but to finally be accompanied by an administration that is far more supportive than ever before.

A tsunami of pro-lifers took to the National Mall in Washington, D.C. There was music and dancing, laughter and conversation. Anyone within earshot of the masses could hear praise and worship as it echoed throughout the premises. The name of Jesus was praised time and again throughout today’s event. But what always stands out most about the March for Life is not merely the cause itself, but the very people who allow this movement to exist. Perhaps the atmosphere from today’s march is summarized well in what Mary Szoch, director of Family Research Council’s Center for Human Dignity, stated: “Every single person who walked… was filled with joy and hope.”  (Read More)

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