End America’s Gender Confusion Epidemic by Embracing Complementarity of the Sexes

(Washington Stand) Have you noticed how many of society’s problems are rooted in gender confusion?

  • Kids are pressured by television, movies, books, teachers, counselors, and social workers to question their gender at a very early age.
  • Kids and adults are undergoing gender transition surgeries to try to conform their bodies to how they feel.
  • Congress continues to consider drafting women into the military.
  • Men and boys are accused of being “toxic” and oppressors simply because they’re males.
  • Gender-confused boys are insisting on the “right” to use girls’ bathrooms and vice versa.

Gender confusion is a deep-rooted societal problem which, thankfully, more Americans (and people around the world) are waking up to. The LGBTQ lobby and wokeism were largely rejected in the November election and, thankfully, common sense prevailed.

While this is great news, we cannot let up in our fight to end the gender confusion epidemic completely.  (Read More)

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