Rand Paul’s Festivus Report: What Your Government Piddled Your Money Away For

(PJ Media) So, I have been dealing with a pretty nasty cold for about two weeks, and in my weakened condition, I have been somewhat out of the loop. However, I am led to believe that our esteemed place-keepers in the District of Columbia managed to cobble together a spending bill to keep our government from shutting down.

A government shutdown? Please. No. Don’t. A government that is not here to enrich our lives? Whatever would we do? (You’ll have to imagine me saying that in a completely deadpan voice.)

Spending bill or no spending bill, there is no question that, as Jack Kerouac once put it, our “holy slop-jaws” in Washington excel at spending money on things that would get the rest of us slapped into a four-week coma if we told our spouses we had ever opened the household budget for anything as remotely ridiculous as they do in the nation’s capital.  (Read More)

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