Watchmen Ministry

Being a Free Person Is Dangerous

(Daily Signal) Have you ever driven through a blizzard in Wyoming? Your field of vision doesn’t extend more than twenty feet. There are only the storm and the road, except for the occasional butte or buffalo. Silence descends on the glacier-carved valleys as ice and snow pile up and muffle all sound. The grizzlies seek shelter. You want to do

Watchmen Ministry

UNRWA schools in Gaza: Principals, staff identified as members in terror units

(Jerusalem Post) In July, Israeli intelligence published an expose showcasing that over 10% of UNRWA’s senior education staff in Gaza were members of Hamas or Islamic Jihad. The findings, shared with the agency as well, were quoted as casting a dark shadow over the organization’s claims of providing neutral and non-extremist education to Palestinian children. Now, a detailed investigation by

Watchmen Ministry

Pro-Abortion Group Creates Map of Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers to Target Them and Shut Them Down

(Life News) The majority of crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs), which provide pro-life support to expectant mothers in need, are located close to abortion facilities, according to a study that criticizes CPCs’ work. Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) published the study, which Andrea Swartzendruber, Danielle Lambert, Nicole Luisi, and Erin Johnson co-authored. The “Background” section of the study notes that CPCs

Watchmen Ministry

Defending America I Love

(Michael Paul) Who among you would stand against those who seek to reshape this nation for their own selfish purposes? They hide behind distorted ideals and twisted political agendas. Yet, their goal is clear—undermining the foundations that made America great. Would you stand firm, even at the expense of your comfort? Your safety? Perhaps even your life? I have faced

Watchmen Ministry

Most Americans Support Requiring Photo ID, Proof of Citizenship to Vote

(Daily Signal) Americans—Democrats, Republicans, and independents—support both early voting policies as well as photo ID and proof of citizenship requirements for elections, according to a new poll. Despite the ongoing divide between elected Republicans and Democrats over requiring photo ID to vote, a whopping 86% of Americans support it. The poll comes just days from the presidential election with voting underway across

Watchmen Ministry

Donald Trump Tells 1,500 Christian Pastors and Leaders, “I’m Behind You All the Way”

(Life News) Cries of “Jesus is Lord!” filled the room as some 1500 pastors, ministry leaders and Christian and Jewish patriots filled the room of the Worship with Wonders Church in Powder Springs, GA Monday afternoon for a meeting with President Trump. They all knew they were at the right rally, contrary to what Kamala Harris told Christians recently at

Watchmen Ministry

Witches Complain ‘Spells’ Against Trump Aren’t Working, Insist The Prayers Of Christians ‘Shield’ Him

(Harbinger’s Daily) As many young Americans abandon a Biblical worldview in pursuit of paganism and the occult, self-proclaimed witches, as during previous election cycles, are participating in “mass rituals” against former President and current republican nominee Donald Trump. Thousands of witches have participated online and in person to cast spells on Trump in the hopes of thwarting his bid for

Watchmen Ministry

‘Jesus Is King’: J.D. Vance, Kamala Harris, and the Church’s Future

(Washington Stand) You could not get a starker contrast of worldviews. At a recent Kamala Harris presidential rally, someone shouted out “Jesus is Lord!” and Vice President Harris snapped back: “Oh, you guys are at the wrong rally. No, I think you meant to go to the smaller one down the street.” Harris’s hearers boisterously applauded her dismissive retort. Measure

Watchmen Ministry

What’s behind the Explosion of Churches Starting Christian Schools?

(Washington Stand) Last month, the Associated Press reported on the notable growth in churches seeking to launch Christian schools. This is not groundbreaking information, as Family Research Council President Tony Perkins addressed on Monday’s edition of “Washington Watch.” However, it does beg the question: “What’s fueling this groundswell, and how can [other churches] take advantage of this opportunity?” According to

Watchmen Ministry

Mexico Is Holding Back A Massive Wave Of Illegal Immigrants That Will Break After The Election

(The Federalist) TAPACHULA, Mexico – A tip led me to 40 kilometers north of this down-at-heel border city, by rental car, until I spotted the unmistakable sight: a 1,000-strong caravan of migrants marching by foot along Mexico Highway 200 for hundreds of yards. Men, women, children, and babies bobbed and weaved together in an elongated, colorful human pack. I spent

Watchmen Ministry

Religious Freedom for Christians in America is Under Threat

(Life News) Is religious freedom more secure in America today than ever before? Many Christians observing our increasingly secular culture would balk at the claim, but it’s exactly what New York Times opinion columnist and longtime religious freedom advocate David French thinks.   In a video recently posted by Phil Vischer’s Holy Post, French asked if Christians really were persecuted in the U.S. and if religious

Watchmen Ministry

Jack Hibbs: Am I Telling Christians It’s A Sin Not To Vote? That’s Exactly What I’m Telling You.

(Harbinger’s Daily) With the election mere weeks away, California Pastor Jack Hibbs did something rarely seen behind most pulpits in 2024—he issued an urgent call for Christians to vote. Hibbs’ message on Sunday, titled “When Christians Fail to Vote,” sought to be a wake-up call to the ramifications of the church sitting out the election—challenging both the pulpits and the

Watchmen Ministry

‘Jesus Is Lord’? A Tale of Two Rallies

(Washington Stand) Political campaigns all too often come down to one memorable moment: Nixon’s debate with JFK, Reagan asking if Americans are better off today than four years ago, Bush promising “no new taxes,” or Trump descending a golden escalator. Two rallies — and three events — over the last week presented a series of revelatory moments that should burn

Watchmen Ministry

Crossing God’s Red Line: Unless America Turns Back To God, We Will Stay On The Precipice

(Harbinger’s Daily) The truth is that although we like to claim that ours is a Christian nation, that is no longer demonstrably true. An argument can be made that we were founded upon Christian principles and once aspired to Christian ideals (albeit imperfectly throughout our national history). But that is no longer the case. When our president makes the unfettered

Watchmen Ministry

The Big Lie: Separation of Church and State

(Faith & Freedom) In June, the New York Times warned their shrinking secular progressive readership that Oklahoma was planning to bring the Bible into the classroom to be included with other teaching materials this school year. NYT: “Oklahoma’s state superintendent on Thursday directed all public schools to teach the Bible, including the Ten Commandments, in an extraordinary move that blurs

Watchmen Ministry

Portland: A Profile Of Failure

(Faith & Freedom) In a sign of either hope or desperation, Portland, Oregon, voters decided to abolish their entire government structure and replace it with a weaker mayor, expanded City Council, and ranked-choice voting. Secular progressivism has been Portland’s pride, but now the city is in chaos, with 19 people running for mayor and 98 people seeking seats on the

Watchmen Ministry

Majority of Practicing Christians Admit to Viewing Porn, Many Comfortable with the Habit

(Washington Stand) A majority of practicing Christians, including pastors, admit to viewing pornography and a large share say they are comfortable with the habit, a new study has found. In Barna’s recently released researched report, Beyond the Porn Phenomenon, produced in partnership with Pure Desire Ministries, researchers found that pornography use is so prevalent among all demographics and the gap in use

Watchmen Ministry

Kamala Harris Apparently Wants to Force Christian Doctors to Kill Babies in Abortions

(Life News) During Kamala Harris’s interview with NBC News anchor Hallie Jackson on Tuesday evening, the subject of abortion came up. Unsurprisingly, Harris came out in strongly favor of legal abortion. She criticized President Trump’s Supreme Court appointees and said we need to “restore the protections of Roe v. Wade.” However, when asked if she would be willing to make

Watchmen Ministry

Doctor Withholds Taxpayer-Funded Research that Contradicts Her Beliefs on Puberty Blockers

(Washington Stand) Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy, who serves as the medical director for the Center for Transyouth Health and Development at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, has been conducting research on “transgender health” for nearly a decade as part of a larger federal project. Over the years, Olson-Kennedy has received $9.7 million in taxpayer money from the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Watchmen Ministry

As God’s Intervenes On Behalf Of Israel, The Iranian Regime Insists The IDF Is Using ‘Magic’

(Harbinger’s Daily) To “psych out” means to insinuate a sense of intimidation into the cognitive process. At least that term encompasses the achieved ramification to my way of intended meaning. There are a plethora of examples, but here are just a few: Bobby Fisher, an undefeated chess champion in the early 1970s, was a reclusive, thus an unknown player who

Watchmen Ministry

Iran unveils ‘No hostage will be released’ blood-splattered mural in Tehran

(The Jerusalem Post) Authorities in Tehran released a blood-splattered mural depicting photos of Israeli hostages abducted by Hamas on October 7 with the text “no hostage will be released” in Hebrew, Iran International and local media reported. The mural was reportedly put up in Tehran’s Palestine Square on Tuesday, according to Tehran Times. Authorities in Tehran municipality have unveiled a

Watchmen Ministry

Local Woman Shares ‘Families Against Judge Peterson’ Campaign, Asks Voters to Remove Peterson

(The Kootenai Journal) Judge Clark Peterson appears to be in the hot seat again, this time due a local woman’s awareness campaign about his known and alleged misconduct in the hopes that voters in Kootenai County will remove him during the 2024 General Election. Currently, Peterson is the fourth longest sitting magistrate judge in Idaho’s First Judicial District. He was