Watchmen Ministry

ALERT: Thank BSU for Protecting Female Athletes

(Idaho Family Policy Center) By now, you’ve probably seen the news: Boise State forfeited a volleyball match to protect the safety of their female athletes. Will you take one minute to send a message thanking BSU President Marlene Tromp and Athletic Director Jeramiah Dickey for protecting their female athletes? For those who haven’t heard, San Jose State allows a biological

Watchmen Ministry

Warning: In California, marriage ‘could mean anything’ if Prop. 3 passes

(American Family News) Voters in America’s most populous state will decide on November 5 on a constitutional amendment that could radically redefine marriage. Same-sex “marriage” is already legal in California. But Proposition 3 seeks to change marriage further by enshrining into the state constitution the phrase: “The right to marry is a fundamental right” – and striking the phrase: “Only

Watchmen Ministry

RFK At Senate Event: Big Health ‘Makes Money When Americans Get Sick’

(The Federalist) Republicans have finally found their new answer to Obamacare. After the GOP failed to successfully replace Democrats’ signature 2010 health care reform during the Trump administration, a renaissance in nutrition has catalyzed a new political movement finding a home on the right. A Senate roundtable on Monday led by Sen. Ron Johnson was the latest evidence of that

Watchmen Ministry

PERKINS: The Warning Lights Are On

(Washington Stand) What do you do when one of the warning indicators lights up on your dashboard or your car’s computer screen? Ignoring it can be costly. In fact, I saw a survey that revealed 30% of people either overlooked or ignored the indicator altogether. Only about 50% of drivers acknowledged the warning and knew what it meant. Just like

Watchmen Ministry

P. Diddy And Jeffrey Epstein Barely Scratch The Surface Of America’s Elite Rot

(The Federalist) Last week, Sean “P. Diddy” Combs, the rapper and music producer, was arrested and charged with sex trafficking by force, fraud, or coercion; racketeering conspiracy; and transportation to engage in prostitution. As many have pointed out since his homes were raided back in March, the allegations against Combs echo the disturbing pattern of Jeffrey Epstein’s criminal activities. The

Watchmen Ministry

Jack Hibbs: The Church Can No Longer Dispute The Unprecedented Hostility Toward Truth

(Harbinger’s Daily) John 15:20 – “Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will keep yours also.” Christians argue about the lateness of the hour regarding the prophetic calendar, but the church can no longer dispute the unprecedented hostility

Watchmen Ministry

20 Attorneys General To Investigate Pediatrician Group For False Claims About Transing Children

(The Federalist) The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) relied on leftist politics that contradict medical research to create its highly influential clinical recommendations for giving gender-confused children opposite-sex hormones and surgeries, say 20 state attorneys general in a letter released this morning. In so doing, the AGs say, the AAP may have violated state consumer protection laws that require accuracy

Watchmen Ministry

Here’s How Much Your Rent Has Gone Up Due to Illegal Immigration, Expert Says

(Daily Signal) The illegal immigration crisis at the southern border has not only created a culture of lawlessness at the southern border, it has also adversely affected the labor and housing markets. That’s according to the testimony of Center for Immigration Studies director of research Steven Camarota at a hearing of the House Oversight subcommittee on National Security, the Border,

Watchmen Ministry

International Law Confirms Israel’s Legitimacy — From Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea

(Harbinger’s Daily) Today, I want to address a remarkably important question: Is Israel a legal State? You might have come across arguments that Israel is an illegitimate country or that it is occupying Palestinian land. Well, I’m here to shed light on the truth backed by historical facts and in international law to understand Israel’s legal status. We must start

Watchmen Ministry

It’s Not ‘Freedom’ That Hamas Is After… It’s The Eradication Of Jews

(Harbinger’s Daily) Following Hamas’s October 7 massacre in southern Israel, pro-Palestinian demonstrators took to the streets in major cities around the world hurling anti-Israel and antisemitic slurs. They waved Palestinian flags, ripped down posters of abducted Israelis, and praised the barbarism of Hamas as they celebrated the brutal deaths of more than 1,200 Israelis. To justify their elation, they’ve convinced

Watchmen Ministry

With So Much at Stake in 2024, Christians Must Vote in November

(Washington Stand) While former President Donald Trump’s recent comments on the life issue have brought concern to many pro-life leaders, it remains important to recall the totality of what is at stake in the 2024 election. Of the five Republican presidents elected after the infamous Roe v. Wade (1973) decision legalizing the abortion of children throughout the entire pregnancy, Donald

Watchmen Ministry

Jan Markell: What Happened To My Church?

(Harbinger’s Daily) I began hearing from Olive Tree Ministries supporters as long ago as 2005 concerning church dilemmas and unsound doctrinal issues in the church. Over twenty years, they only skyrocketed. Sure, there have always been apostasy and unsound teaching in the church. The Bible warns about doctrines of demons and wolves among the flock (I Timothy 4:1; Acts 20:29).

Watchmen Ministry

Supremes asked to hear parental plea to respect religion, overrule defiant school district

(American Family News) After a federal court agreed elementary-age school children must sit for story time about homosexual parades and transgender pronouns, Maryland parents are hoping the U.S. Supreme Court will disagree and uphold their parental rights. The issue the high court is being asked to consider, an opt-out policy for students, comes from Montgomery County, the state’s largest county,

Watchmen Ministry

As Harris and the Media Claim That Crime Is Dropping, Statistics Show the Opposite

(Washington Stand) During last week’s presidential debate, ABC News moderator David Muir echoed a recurrent claim by the Biden-Harris administration, stating, “The FBI says overall, violent crime is actually coming down in this country.” In fact, the latest data shows that levels of crime in the U.S. have risen dramatically over the last four years. During President Joe Biden’s State

Watchmen Ministry

Media Claims A Georgia Woman Died Due To Laws Banning Abortion. Here’s The Truth.

(Daily Wire) Over the past few days, media outlets, including The New York Times, Newsweek, and MSNBC, have all cited a claim that a woman died because of strict pro-life laws. Amber Thurman, these outlets reported, citing an article from ProPublica, would have survived if not for Georgia’s laws on abortion. The truth, however, has nothing to do with Georgia’s

Watchmen Ministry

Kamala Harris is Wrong. Late-Term Abortions Happen and Sometimes the Baby’s Born Alive

(Life News) During last week’s presidential debate, Vice President Kamala Harris inaccurately said, “Nowhere in America is a woman carrying a pregnancy to term and asking for an abortion. That is not happening. It’s insulting to the women of America.” Shortly after, ABC News moderator Linsey Davis wrongly stated that it is not legal to execute a baby in any state.

Watchmen Ministry

Idaho Jury Rules in Favor of Coffee Shop Owner Protecting First Amendment Rights

(Washington Stand) After watching the news cycle through the various anti-Israel protests on college campuses, as well as the multi-year battle against DEI in education, it was only a matter of weeks ago I found myself thankful that my alma mater hadn’t made the list of problematic schools. At least, not the ones broadcasted such as Harvard, Columbia, and friends.

Watchmen Ministry

Liberties Eroded: Governments Throughout The West Are Increasingly Targeting Churches

(Harbinger’s Daily) Paul had a great desire to go to Rome. Even as he served as an evangelist and planted churches throughout the Roman Empire in the East, his missionary journeys pushed further and further west. Paul leveraged his Roman citizenship to overcome some persecution and to eventually claim his right to appeal to Ceasar. Faced with Paul’s well-played trump

Watchmen Ministry

Don’t Be Silent: The 1st Amendment Was To Keep Government Out Of The Church, Not The Church Out Of Government

(Harbinger’s Daily) Why is the church quiet? The revolutionary pastors fought and urged congregants to be involved. Why has the church lost its zeal today? Speaking of revolutionary pastors, back in 1776, a pastor in Woodstock, Virginia, John Peter Muhlenberg, stood up in front of his congregation and preached from Ecclesiastes chapter 3. When he got to verse 8, he

Watchmen Ministry

PERKINS: The Three Most Important Words for Election 2024

(Washington Stand) With Labor Day behind us, the November election now looms large, drawing the focus of national attention — and rightfully so. With each election, our nation reaches a crucial crossroads. The policies and priorities of the two major political parties stand in stark contrast, reflecting two very different philosophies of governance. As we approach this election, we must